Photography and AI

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Artificial Intelligence in photography, or AI photography for short, is essentially the next-level wizardry that’s taken over the world of capturing stunning images.

Forget about schlepping around with heavy cameras and dealing with all that technical mumbo-jumbo. AI photography does the heavy lifting for you. It’s like having your own personal photography assistant that’s not only highly skilled but also tirelessly efficient.

AI photography uses advanced algorithms and machine learning to enhance and perfect your photos. It can automatically adjust exposure, correct colors, and even remove unwanted objects from your pictures. Plus, it’s got an uncanny knack for making your shots look like they were taken by a seasoned pro, even if you’re just a casual snap-happy traveler.

So, next time you’re out exploring the world’s most exciting destinations, let AI photography work its magic and capture those memories in jaw-dropping 8K quality.

Who needs to travel when you’ve got technology this good?

The use of AI on sites yielding art based on web scraping from many online sites is something that is questionable at best which is why there are cases in court trying to discern who has the right to copyright.

The law is stuck on two definitions called trans-formative and derivative art. Derivative art is something created from the original work that required permission.. Trans-formative is also taken from the original but is so far removed, there is no visible connection and this does not require permission.

It should be stated though that if the art does not require permission and is considered AI art, it cannot be copyrighted. Confused yet, who could blame you? So we have to leave this in the courts which is a good thing because it needs to be finally determined for future use.

Adobe is using their AI technology, Sensei, for object selection and content aware fill. Those are the two most highlighted areas.

AI is currently a buzzword being used by many, similar to bitcoin being used as reference for anything related to blockchain technology. Blockchain is much bigger than just cryptocurrency.

At the moment, AI is still in the infancy stage and it will develop fast. AI in the photography community will help the image editing process and make it easier to achieve better results and faster.

Artificial Intelligence in photography

Artificial intelligence in photography and machine learning.

All the photographers will be jobless .We will witness great innovative photographs because AI will “ think of those camera angles and thoughts “ which none has thought of now. I am the owner and I have invested heavily on the software, I won’t expect run of the mill stuff which I would have got already by human photographers.

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I believe it will be enhanced very much. I don’t think it can be fully replaced. It will be humans that take on creative roles when AI takes over manual labor. Our creativity and art is what we will retain.

There may be an algorithm for “beauty” and symmetry but the art is ultimately an expression of the self that can not be replicated by a non-conscious machine.

That being said. There is some photography that will be replaced. But the source of creativity and ingenuity will remain.

This is a neat start-up you might like.

I feel that pictures and models produced via machine are not art and are not created by a human being. To non-artists and poorly educated people, art might be an interesting subject, but to artists and well educated people art sometimes becomes a passionate near-reality! Machine-made or digital pictures which captivate their makers or owners are made and owned by non-artists and poorly educated people for whom computers are real the way hands and eyes are to people with common sense.

AI charging up photography

Artificial intelligence  is changing photography in a number of ways, both positive and negative.

  • Positive impacts of AI on photography
  • Improved image quality: AI can be used to improve the quality of images in a number of ways, such as reducing noise, sharpening details, and correcting color balance. This can be especially helpful for photographers who shoot in low-light conditions or who want to get the most out of their camera’s sensor.
  • Automated tasks: AI can be used to automate tasks that were once done manually by photographers, such as adjusting exposure, white balance, and focus. This can free up photographers to focus on more creative aspects of their work, such as composition and lighting.
  • New creative possibilities: AI can be used to create new and innovative photographic techniques, such as generating realistic images from text descriptions or creating photorealistic paintings from photographs. This can open up new possibilities for photographers and artists alike.
  • Negative impacts of AI on photography
  • Potential for job losses: As AI becomes more sophisticated, it is possible that some jobs in the photography industry, such as photo editing and retouching, could be automated. This could lead to job losses for photographers, especially those who are not skilled in using AI tools.
  • Reduced creativity: Some photographers worry that AI could lead to a decrease in creativity in photography. If AI can be used to automate tasks and create new techniques, then there is less need for photographers to be creative. This could lead to a more homogeneous style of photography, as everyone uses the same tools and techniques.

Overall, the impact of AI on photography is still being debated. There are both potential benefits and risks associated with the use of AI in photography. It is important for photographers to be aware of these issues and to use AI in a way that is beneficial to their work.

Here are some specific examples of how AI is being used in photography today:

1.Image editing: AI can be used to edit images in a number of ways, such as removing blemishes, improving lighting, and adjusting colors. This can be helpful for photographers who want to improve the quality of their images or who want to create a specific look or feel.

2.Composition assistance: AI can be used to help photographers compose their shots. This can be done by suggesting different cropping options or by highlighting areas of interest in the frame. This can be helpful for beginner photographers who are still learning how to compose their shots.

3.Style transfer: AI can be used to transfer the style of one image to another. This can be used to create a new look or feel for an image, or to emulate the style of a famous photographer. This can be a fun and creative way to experiment with different photographic styles.

AI is still a relatively new technology, and its full potential in photography is still being explored. However, it is clear that AI has the potential to revolutionize photography in a number of ways.

Will AI redefine photography’s future 

AI in DSLR is a reality today. At least at an experimental level. Arsenal has done such a device for landscape photography. I am sure that in the next few years, camera makers will start including AI for portraits and night photography based on such advances.

Surprisingly, most of the Artificial intelligence techniques are also being tried out on cell phone cameras as there are some advantages such as fixed focal lengths on cell phone camera lenses. Also, the cellphone users do not have the hang ups like DSLR camera folks (myself included!) on trying out new things.

In short, the focus will be more on AI than sensors or lenses. This is not to say that lenses and sensors are not important. It can be exploited better with AI.

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